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      Regular sales and promotions

      Stock updates every 20 minutes!

      Terms of Sale

      Welcome to GoBookshop!, where your literary adventures begin. Before diving into the world of books, please take a moment to review our Terms of Sale.

      1. Orders and Acceptance

      • Order Confirmation: When you place an order with us, you will receive an email confirmation with your order details. This email serves as acknowledgment that we have received your order.

      • Acceptance: Your order is accepted once the items have been dispatched. We reserve the right to decline an order for various reasons, and a refund will be issued if necessary.

      2. Pricing and Payment

      • Pricing: All prices are listed in GBP and include applicable taxes.

      • Payment: We accept secure payments through Stripe payments – Credit/Debit cards, GooglePay, ApplePay. Your payment information is handled with the utmost confidentiality by Stripe. We do not store any payment details on our website.

      3. Shipping

      • Shipping Costs: Shipping costs are calculated during checkout and are based on the delivery location and the weight of the items. Currently only selling and shipping only in United Kingdom.

      • Delivery Time: Please refer to our Shipping Policy and FAQ’s for estimated delivery times. Delays may occur due to unforeseen circumstances (Carrier delays or other), and we appreciate your understanding.

      4. Refunds and Returns

      • Refund Policy: Items sold on GoBookshop! are generally non-refundable. We encourage you to make your selections carefully.

      • Damaged Items: In the unfortunate event that your item arrives damaged, please contact us at within 30 days of receiving your order. We will happily replace or refund damaged items. Kindly provide clear photos of the damaged items for our records.

      5. Customer Support

      • Contact: If you have any questions, concerns, or issues with your order, feel free to reach out to our customer support at We’re here to assist you!

      6. Changes to Terms

      • Updates: We may update our Terms of Sale from time to time. Any changes will be reflected on this page, so we recommend reviewing it periodically.

      7. Conclusion

      By placing an order with GoBookshop!, you agree to abide by these Terms of Sale. We appreciate your trust in us and hope your experience with our bookstore is nothing short of delightful.

      Due to our supplier’s immensely rapid stock turnover we are experiencing supply issues where low stock items are bought/sold rapidly, therefore we might not be able to fulfil your order due to the item being temporarily out of stock. Upon e-mail enquiry we will confirm if you would like the order to be fulfilled when the item is in stock again, or a refund will be refunded in full at your request.

      Happy Reading!